Outward Bound

Outward Bound - High School Expeditions
Boston and suburbs, Massachusetts, New England/Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Southeast, South, Southwest, Midwest, Pacific Northwest, West Coast

It’s not going to be easy, but it will be worth it. Experience rugged wilderness. Tackle demanding natural challenges. And at the end of it all, emerge a tenacious, trail-tested leader with genuine confidence and a passion to do more. Designed for students aged 14-17, our Classic expeditions push students physically, socially and emotionally. Often when they think they’ve reached their limits, they find there is more within them. Students discover their passion; dig deep; and master skills – both technical and interpersonal. Surrounded by the pristine natural world and a crew of adventurous peers, students work as a team to achieve goals and learn skills. Trips are of varying lengths and go all summer, all across the country.
