Camp Jabberwocky

Camp Jabberwocky

From the end of June to the end of August, Camp Jabberwocky offers children and adults with a wide range of disabilities the chance to enjoy the summer in a small family-like community – living together and enjoying jam-packed days filled with adventurous activities and experiences that are safe, empowering, exciting and fun. Campers stay between one and four weeks during which they enjoy activities and classes on campus and out and about in the community of Martha’s Vineyard. At Jabberwocky, people with different abilities form the majority in the community. Their needs become priority needs; their concerns become concerns. And in this age, when cultural and individual sense of belonging is waning, a community that works is a light of hope. Camp is the sum of all its parts! It is a strong community of people who work together, take initiative and have a lot of fun in the process. A counselor’s biggest and most important responsibility are the campers and their daily care. Each counselor is also assigned a chore that usually occurs once a day such as: cleaning bathrooms, making lunch, mopping the main cabin floors, dishes, laundry, setting tables, clearing tables and more. Counselors and campers teach the morning classes so bring your special talent and teach us all about it!
