University of California - Berkeley

Robot Open Autonomous Racing (ROAR) Academy

ROAR Academy is a rigorous and intensive two-week program for high school students who have demonstrated an aptitude for academic and professional careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects. Talented and motivated high school students who are entering 10th-12th grade in the Fall have the opportunity to work with UC Berkeley faculty, researchers, and scientists while focusing on learning about Python programming and introductory autonomous driving algorithms. The students through this 10-day program will be expected to learn sufficient knowledge to participate in ROAR competition entirely in software simulation, dubbed the S2 series for K-12 students (compared to the current S1 series that includes college students and professional learners). Thanks to ROAR virtualization software and other open-source Python and AI libraries, learners may attend the Academy through online lectures for 2023.
