Carnegie Mellon University


The AI4All @ Carnegie Mellon summer program provides opportunities for students from underrepresented communities to study artificial intelligence with full-time faculty, staff and researchers who are leaders in the field. There is a diversity crisis in AI and computer science: a homogenous group of technologists are building AI solutions for a diverse population. The global economic impact of AI is expected to reach $15.7 trillion by 2030, but less than 14% of AI researchers globally are women, and Black and Hispanic men and women make up less than 11% of people employed in U.S. STEM jobs. This lack of diversity results in biased AI products that, at best, don’t serve everyone. At worst, they actively harm underrepresented groups. It's crucial to take action to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to guide the creation of AI as a tool for good. AI4ALL is a U.S.-based nonprofit dedicated to increasing diversity and inclusion in AI education, research, development and policy. One way they accomplish that is by offering summer programs at 11 universities across the nation, including Carnegie Mellon. The program is free, and students reside on campus, where they are immersed in hands-on learning, and develop a supportive peer network that will help them throughout their AI careers.
